Please Don't Give up

What can this picture show us? It can show us God's ability. Look at the sky. Who else could make such a simple thing so beautiful? No one. Look at the trees. Who else could speak them into existence? No one. God took the time to create everything. He took the time to create you. You are special. To me, to Him, and to the people around you.

Times can get very hard. God chose the strongest soldiers to fight the hardest battles. You can do it, soldier. If you ever feel like giving up, know that it is going to get easier. Reach out to someone. I am sure someone can help you. If you want, talk to me. Email me. I will always want to help you, even if I don't know you. If you want to be able to text the crisis hotline, I will put their number at the bottom of the blog. You are loved. People love you. God created you for a reason. You are treasured.
Crisis hotline- text 741741
