It has been a hard year. But hey! You made it! I'm so proud of you! If you have a great year, that's great. If you didn't have such a good year, I'm sorry.
I fall under the " not such a great year" category. This has been a hard year in terms of my mental health. Part of it is from the stigma that surrounds mental illness. People who suffer from let's say depression, didn't choose to all of the sudden be depressed. But, that is how many people who don't struggle with it think of it as.
I'm trying to keep this short, so please do one thing for me. Please be understanding of what other people are going through. Don't mock them for it. Please.
If you need someone to talk to feel free to email me. Or, if you would rather, you can text the Crisis Hotline. They are available 24/7.
Text them at 741741
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